Jesus changes communities around tables.


Loving our neighbors in North Minneapolis through weekly community dinners.

North City has gathered for church around a big neighborhood table almost every Sunday for the past three years. We’ve seen God do amazing things around our community dinner tables in the summer, and we are seeking friends and people from partner churches and organizations to join us in our mission this summer.

We are discovering the power of a Jesus table in the community.
— NCC Mission Partner

How you can partner with us.


Our Story

Loving our neighbors in the way of Jesus.

North City Church is a community of people called to love our neighbors in the way of Jesus. As a church, that means loving the neighborhoods of North Minneapolis and the surrounding area. As individuals, that means loving the people we share common space with, people we live close to, people who share our passions and hobbies, and whoever Jesus has put in our path to love.

When we look at Jesus’ life, we consistently find Him expressing His love and acceptance of neighbors by eating with them. North City is simply trying to love like Jesus. We want to create space for neighbors to experience Jesus’ presence around the table.




Partner | Give


Giving Options

Your financial partnership makes space for neighbors at our Jesus table.


Sponsor a chair: $50/month.

Every chair at Jesus' table matters because everyone around the table matters. When you sponsor a chair, you are making space at Jesus’ table for a neighbor looking for community, maybe looking for Jesus. This takes resources, both tangible in food and rental fees, but also intangible things like the staff time that goes into crafting a welcoming -Jesus table - space. Help us make room for everyone who wants to pull up a chair.

I came expecting just a bit to eat, but this was so much more; it fed my soul.

Sponsor a Table: $500/month.

We have a phrase we like to say around North City: “There’s always room at the table.” This means so much to us: it captures Jesus’ grace and radical welcome, it holds the spirit of hospitality we want to embody, and more. When you sponsor a table, you create a space where our neighbors receive that grace, welcome, and love from our Church and, ultimately, Jesus.

I didn’t know what to expect around the table, but it was refreshing to find people who genuinely wanted to hear my story.

Sponsor a Whole Dinner: $2500

Our community dinners are quite the site, quite the testimony. They are a beautiful representation of what the kingdom of God is like. The kingdom of God is about neighbors loving neighbors around a common table in the presence of Jesus. This sponsorship opportunity is an opportunity to make that kingdom testimony happen in our neighborhood.

It was so powerful to see neighbors, even complete strangers, laughing and eating together like that. I’ve never really experienced anything like it.




Serve with our team.

It takes a team each week to set the table. This summer, we have opportunities for you or your small group to serve alongside the team members of North City. This is a fun opportunity to bless the neighbors in North Minneapolis and get a first-hand look into what a dinner church is and how it serves the community. Maybe you will even be inspired to set a Jesus table of your own.

It was so fun to serve with North City and get a glimpse into their mission.
— Summer volunteer

Join North City in our mission this summer!
